Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial weekend

Done stamp! Until it outgrows its new home at least.


Well i've got a wide variety of peppers, tomatillos(husk tomato), big max pumpkin, zucchini, vegetable spaghetti, watermelon and musk melon in here with alittle room to spare. The bad news is that i dont have enough room for onions or all the tomatoes that I need to plant to make 75 jars of spaghetti sauce and chili prep sauce.  Time to get acquanted with my shovel again.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

 Tried grafting some cuttings to this struggling apple tree.
 Still no asparagus and just planted some broccoli and cauliflower.
 corn is progressing nicely.
 Planted peas and beans on may 8th and both are growing vigorously.
Abby and roscoe about to run through the corn.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

my orchard

Got the hat trick in the ground today and managed to get some fencing around it so the deer wouldnt eat all the buds tonight.  Rosco helped.

I also transplanted these three apple trees to the backyard so all four trees can work together for pollination.  I thought the deer had completely destroyed them this spring but to my surprise they budded out okay.

life in the garden

 Its 5/15 and the corn I planted on 4/23 has started to sprout just in time for frost warnings, ugh.
 This is my corn plot with dims of 15X30
On top the rhubarb is growing nicely, but may need to cover it for the next couple nights.  Below that will be first year jersey knight asparagus which are hangin out in the fridge for now until I can do some much needed weeding.

cold temps ahead

It looks like I finished installing this new wood stove just in time for the next couple nights of 30 degree temps.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day one of my new espalier 'Hat Trick' apple tree 5/8/11

Well I went to the local greenhouse today without any intention of buying anything until this tree jumped in front of me.  As soon as I saw it I new I had to have regardless of how hard I tried to talk myself out of it.  This tree will grow three different kinds of apples and is self pollinating.  The three types are Honeycrisp, Sweet Sixteen, and Zestar.  I am very excited to see this tree age so lets watch this thing grow.